
Alcohol Policy

Otero College is a dry campus and has alcohol policies that apply to all of campus and events sponsored by the school. Everyone, including administrators, alumni, faculty, guests, staff, and students, has to follow state and local laws about alcohol. Here are some of the most important laws:

  • If you’re under 21, you can’t have or drink alcohol at all. It’s also against the law for someone older to give you alcohol.
  • You can’t have open containers of alcohol on the street, sidewalk, alley, car, or public areas.
  • Even if you’re over 21, you can’t have alcohol in your room or anywhere on campus if you live in the campus residence halls.

Illicit Drugs Policy

This policy for Otero prohibits the sale, manufacture, distribution, cultivation, use or possession of illegal drugs on the Otero Campus. This policy applies equally to administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

NOTE: The Otero Student Code of Conduct states: Although possession and use of marijuana consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college owned or college-controlled property, and/or any function authorized or supervised by the college and/or in state owned or leased vehicles.

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