The HSI Fest returns September 13th!
With the distinction of a “Hispanic Serving Institution,” Otero College is proud to announce that that the second-annual HSI Festival will be returning this Friday (September 13th)!
Beginning at 3:00pm at the La Junta High School stadium, participants can spectate the Otero men’s and women’s soccer matches while enjoying food from local food trucks, a salsa contest, and games for children at half-time.
Entry for the Salsa contest is $5, and competitors must have a quart of salsa prepared by 5pm. The winner of the contest will receive a custom wreath, and the people’s choice winner will receive and Otero College gift basket. Proceeds from the contest entries will benefit scholarships for Otero College students.
For more information about the HSI Fest or the Salsa contest, please contact Hailey Wold at 719-384-6946 or at hailey.wold@otero.edu.