Student Services Center
The Otero College Student Services Center is where you’ll find placement testing, the registrar’s office, and financial aid. Staff are ready to assist you with the online application and enrollment process as well.
Registrar’s Office (Student Records)
Otero’s Registrar Office is responsible for keeping academic records, helping register students and corresponding with applicants and evaluating their credentials.
Placement Testing
Placement testing helps to determine a student’s competency in basic skills. Results of the testing process ensures that students are enrolled in the English and math classes that align with their level of proficiency.
Financial Aid
Financial Aid can come in many forms. Whether it’s through grants and being a work study or loans and scholarships, Otero has many options for you to help pay for college. Check out our Paying for College section to learn more.
Request a Background Check
Certain courses at Otero require a background check, mainly the Allied Health programs such as Nursing, Community Health Worker, and Medical Laboratory Technician. To find out more visit select Otero College as your school.

Kim Juul
(719) 384-6948
Student Services Center