Our faculty and staff are committed to your journey in higher education. Whether your a first time college student or returning to complete a degree you may be wondering what kind of services are available to get the most out of your college experience. Follow the links below and learn more about how you can find success at Otero.
Find the resources you need

Accessibility Services strives to provide a supportive, accessible, non-discriminatory learning and working environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors with disabilities.

TRiO Student Support Services provides one-on-one assistance to first generation and income eligible students, and students with disabilities.

The AIM program serves Otero’s entire student population by promoting educational opportunities through orientation, mentoring, advising, case management and professional development.
Academic & Student Resources
Access the academic support you need. Services range from in-house tutoring and advising to academic workshops and peer led study sessions.
Find many of your academic and additional resources
Tutoring and academic workshops are offered to all Otero students free-of-charge.
Individual and group counseling available on campus with a licensed professional counselor.