Women's basketball team picture in gym.

Otero College Women’s Basketball Season Begins

The Otero College Lady Rattlers Women’s Basketball Team opened their 2022-23 season Nov. 1 on the road, taking on the Pratt Community College Lady Beavers. The Lady Rattlers are looking to improve upon their 10-win season from a year ago. First year head coach, Kyle Herring, has the Lady Rattlers poised to jump into the top half of Region IX play. He thinks the roster, while inexperienced, is a very deep, talented roster.

Coach Herring said, “I really like this group of young ladies. They come to practice with intensity every day. Not just one or two of them. The entire team. We will look to play 10-12 players every single game. Our style of play allows us to do this. We are looking to play fast, shoot often, and pressure the basketball 94 feet. Our team is built not to have one superstar but to wear opponents down with depth. While we do have some extremely talented players, they have all bought in to playing as a team in the preseason.”

The Lady Rattlers will play their first home game on Fri. Nov. 4 at 3 p.m. where they’ll play Air Force Prep. The men’s team will compete at 7 p.m. the same day. Admission for adults is $8.00, while students are $5.00. Kids can attend for free. To see the schedule for all Otero teams, please visit,

For questions about the Women’s Basketball program, please contact Kyle Herring at 719-384-6881 or email

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