Otero College to Start New Strategic Planning Process
In February, Otero College began developing a new five-year strategic plan. The current strategic plan sunset last year, and the pandemic delayed the development of our new plan. This planning process will help set goals for the institution as well as develop the plans to achieve those goals. The components of our strategic plan will focus on vision, mission, values, goals, strategies, and key performance indicators.
Otero is compelled to improve and grow to meet the changing demands of the students who will be attending in the next five years and beyond. These goals will align the federal government, the state, and the Colorado Community College System’s goals. However, it doesn’t stop there, this plan will also be created with each department, facility, and academic plan in mind and will influence performance goals and evaluations for employees.
To accomplish these goals, focus groups and round-table discussions will be held among the various campus departments, the Otero Advisory Council, the Otero Foundation Board, and the community to try and determine what those demands could look like. There will be a virtual option for community members scheduled in March of 2022, with details to be sent out at a later date.
Additionally, the Strategic Planning Committee has posted a two-question survey entitled “Twofer Tuesdays” that all are invited to participate in. Every Tuesday through the end of the planning timeline, survey questions will be sent out to employees and the survey link will be posted on our website. Students and community members are encouraged to participate. The next questions will be posted on the website Tuesday, March 1. The link to these questions can be found below or by searching for “strategic plan” in the search bar at www.otero.edu.
Upon reviewing feedback from the round-table discussions and weekly surveys, the Strategic Planning Committee will draft a plan for campus and community review. The final draft should be complete by mid-April and submitted to the Otero Advisory Council. Pending their approval, a presentation to the campus community will be held by the end of April 2022. The plan will also be posted on the website.
According to President Tim Alvarez, “All successful organizations have five tenants in sync to thrive: strategy, structure, systems, skills, and culture. I can’t tell you how excited I am to complete the strategic planning process! I am a nerd and love thinking about this strategic planning, and how the plan influences our structure and systems. And all change starts with a conversation. I am a curious sort. I am going to ask you to be curious. The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in our systems and frailty in of some of our most vulnerable students. In conjunction with our rebranding, this is an ideal time to reimagine what Otero College should look like. I ask our community to join us in re-envisioning what and how we delivery our educational programs to help our community thrive.”
To find out more about Otero’s strategic planning process, or to participate in the survey questions, please visit: https://otero.edu/catalog/general/catmissionstrategic.aspx.