Student Government
The Voice for Students
The student body of Otero College is represented by the Associated Student Government (ASG). The organization is made up of representatives from all approved student clubs on campus and is presided over by the Associated Student Government president.
The ASG considers and makes recommendations regarding student affairs, the disbursement of student activity fees and plans events for the enjoyment of all students.
Your ASG at Work
The ASG plans and promotes activities for the entire student body at Otero. A few of the annual events that ASG sponsors includes: Halloween Dance, movie and bowling nights, Mardi Gras party and Casino Night.
The officers of ASG are involved with the Statewide Student Advisory Council. They attended monthly meetings with the state organization and the annual conference in October.
Associated Student Contact

Jadyn Bevington
Residence Hall Manager
(719) 384-6875
Student Center: The O-Stop