Chinook Publication

Chinook 2025 – Visions and Ideals • 53nd Edition
This years theme is, “Visions and Ideals”. Participants are encouraged to share their dreams, goals and ambitions.
The literary magazine Chinook is beginning its 53rd year in the Arkansas Valley in 2025. Chinook, meaning warm wind, was introduced to the Otero College campus by veteran instructor, Tim Walsh, who sponsored the publication for roughly twenty-five years. Over the years, it has supported hundreds of writers’ voices through poetry, essays, short stories, and art work. Submissions in each year’s addition are not only from the La Junta area, but also surrounding schools, businesses, and individuals.
Submissions can be sent to
Submission Guidelines
Any form of original creative writing, or art, may be submitted. This includes: poetry, short stories, essays, and two dimensional art work.
Please submit written works in Microsoft Word.
- Poetry – 25 lines or less
- Artwork – submitted as JPEG picture files
- Photography – submitted as JPEG picture files
- Short Stories – 1500 words or less
- Essays – 1500 words or less
Please include your:
E-mail address,
Telephone number,
Otero College instructor or School (if not Otero College)
Submit works via e-mail to Amelia Sollenbarger at (Recommended & Preferred)
You can also submit through the Arts department in the Humanities Center room # 105
By mail:
Otero College
Humanities Center
18th and Colorado Ave
La Junta, Co 81050
Otero’s Student and Community Publication
Chinook Instructor Chris Stork
Chief Editor/ Advisor: Chris Stork
Chinook History
Before retiring in 2002, Walsh invited Jean Armstrong to become the next faculty sponsor and senior advisor, and Armstrong added to the length of the publication and incorporated color. Armstrong worked closely with Otero’s Art Department, enabling students’ and communities’ members artistic talent has been showcased alongside the brilliant literary submissions. Armstrong has since moved to Wyoming to be with her husband, who is now the President of Eastern Wyoming College. Now, the publication lies in the hands of Chris Stork. Stork continues on in the tradition set by Walsh and incorporates the art established by Armstrong. In addition, Stork chooses the student editor each spring semester and provides a writing scholarship through the English Department. The student editor also receives three elective Humanities credits.
Student Editor: Amelia Sollenbarger (2025)
We have been fortunate over the years to have had many student editors willing to take the task of creating the final publication. This year our editor is Amelia Sollenbarger, and she looks forward to reading your submissions. Please take the time to Submit to Chinook.
Students may enter poetry (24 lines), essays or short stories (1500 words or less), and/or visual art including photography and artwork (must be submitted as JPEG picture file).
Why Submit?
There are several reasons to submit to Chinook. The biggest reason is, of course,for yourself. It is also a community tradition, take an opportunity to show the community your talent. Creating things, in general, is typically fun, and it is a fantastic stress reliever. If you are seeking to become a professional writer, artist, or even a teacher, having your work published looks great on a resume. Additionally, you can also occasionally get extra credit with one, or more classes for a submission—ask your instructors for more information.
- Take part in a 50 year campus, community, and literary tradition.
- Add to your resume.
- Possible Extra Credit
- Be Creative!
Here we will try to answer as many of the frequently asked questions as possible. If, however, we do not answer your question, feel free to email us and ask!
Do I have to be a student at Otero?
No, anyone can submit. However, due to the high volume of entries each year, typically college student age group submissions, community or faculty members, or family of the above are typically preferred.
Can I submit photography?
We encourage created works of art, either physical media, or digital artwork, but photography is fine.
How long can my submission be?
Poetry is limited to 24 lines, or less. Written work is limited to 1500 words or less.
How many works can I submit?
You can submit as many as you want, however a maximum of one will be selected for the publication.
How many categories can I submit for?
As in the above question, you can submit for as many as you like, just state on a submission which one you personally feel fits you best.
Why all the fields on the web form?
It is simply to contact the authors of work about their submissions. If you do not feel like sharing personal information that is fine, just be sure we have a way to contact you.
What about all the trees?
As of 2010, Chinook prints on 100% recycled paper. 🙂
Save a tree, submit your entry online.
How much does a copy of Chinook cost?
Once final costs are assessed from printing we will post a price. Contributors will receive two copies for free.

Chris Stork
Chinook Chief Editor - Advisor
(719) 384-6847
Humanities 108