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FCA Student Meeting

Student Center Conference Room 112 2001 San Juan Ave, La Junta, United States

Student meeting with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Location: Student Center 112

Event Series YEEHAW Taskforce Meeting

YEEHAW Taskforce Meeting

Student Center Conference Room 112 2001 San Juan Ave, La Junta, United States

YEEHAW is a housing taskforce working on homelessness in the Arkansas Valley. We provide warming centers, basic items like sleeping bags coats, basic street outreach and aim to assist anyone seeking permanent housing in securing it.

FCA Student Meeting

Student Center Conference Room 112 2001 San Juan Ave, La Junta, United States

Student meeting with Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Location: Student Center 112

Mental Health Mondays: Calming Clay

Otero Learning Commons Presentation Area 1802 Colorado Ave, La Junta, United States

Come be creative and make something out of clay. Let your creativity out and let the clay calm you. Location: Learning Commons

CHSAA & CASB Meeting

Student Center Rizzuto Banquet Room 2001 San Juan Ave, La Junta, United States

Commissioner Mike Krueger to meet with the CASB representatives from Districts 2 & 3.

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