
About the LETA Courses

LEA 101 Basic Law Enforcement Academy I (6 Credits)

This course conforms to Colorado Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) standards and certification requirements as well as the basic skill and knowledge necessary to perform the entry level duties of a peace officer. Emphasis will be on simulating real-life situations using a hybrid lecture and laboratory/active mode of learning combined with professional instructor experience. This course includes basic criminal justice procedures and ethics, officer survival and patrol procedures, terrorism and biohazard studies to DUI enforcement and traffic accidents.

LEA 102 Basic Law Enforcement Academy II (12 Credits)

This course addresses the following major course topics: Investigative Procedures, Preliminary Investigations, Crime Scene Search and Documentation, Identification and Collection of Evidence, Interviewing and Interrogation, Identification of Suspects, Major Case Considerations, Report Writing, Stress Management and Verbal Communications.

LEA 103 Basic Law Enforcement Academy III (2 Credits)

This course adds on scenario time to focus on concepts learned in LEA 101 and 102. The student focuses their learning in a real-life scenario environment. Focus is on dealing with victims, questioning suspects and problem solving.

LEA 104 Basic Law Enforcement Academy IV (1 Credit)

This course is focused on the communication aspects of law enforcement. Communication with persons in crisis or emotionally driven subjects can be very challenging. This course is considered an advanced communications class that is broken up into 4 hour blocks across the academy structure. This allows students to use their acquired knowledge in the scenarios as they progress in the academy structure.

LEA 105 Basic Law (8 Credits)

This course covers constitutional and procedural considerations affecting arrest, search and seizure, interrogation, court testimony and officer liability. Includes learning in the Colorado Criminal, Liquor and Children’s Codes. Emphasizing Victim Rights, Domestic Violence, Ethnic Intimidation and Hate Crimes.

LEA 106 Arrest Control PPCT (3 Credits)

This 80 instructional hour course covers the skills, knowledge and abilities required to effectively maintain control of a combative suspect while making an arrest. Arrest Control addresses the following major topics: Arrest Control Orientation; Use of Force Considerations; De-escalation of Force; Alternatives to the use of Deadly force, Balance and Movement; Search and Handcuffing Techniques; Control Techniques; Control and Retrieval of Weapons/Instruments; Neck Restraints; Impact Weapons; Ground Fighting and Individual Arrest Control Programs.

LEA 107 Law Enforcement Driving (3 Credits)

This 52 instructional hour course covers the safe and effective operation of a law enforcement vehicle. Training emphasizes defensive driving to minimize officer and agency liability. Students operate actual patrol vehicles simulating “real-life” tactical situations in a safe environment. Students perform under stress to improve reactions while under pressure and to build effective team working skills.

LEA 108 Law Enforcement Weapon Training (3 Credits)

This 80 instructional hour course consists of the following major topics: Firearms Safety, Equipment Selection; Weapon Maintenance; Basic Principles of Firing a Law Enforcement Handgun; Weapon Management; Decisional Shooting with a Fire Arms Training System (FATS); Tactical Situations; Dim Light Shooting and Handgun Tactical Weapon Qualification Course.

LEA 110 Career Management (1 Credit)

The student will be familiar with the habits and practices necessary to secure and maintain employment as a peace officer through: Basic jobmanship training, Identifying sources of peace officer employment information, Letters of inquiry, Resume’ preparation, References, Interviews and Oral Boards. This course maybe delivered in an online format and supplemented with various job fair sessions.

LEA 111 Defensive Weapons (1 Credit)

The student will demonstrate the use of Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) pepper defensive spray and understand the legal implications. The student will be able to articulate and demonstrate the proper use of the TASER platform. The appropriate and legal aspects of using TASER defensive systems will be discussed. The student will also be introduced to the Pepperball system, its application and legal considerations.

Law Enforcement Training Academy Contact

Academy Director
McBride Rm 111
(719) 384-6867

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