
Faculty and Instructor Rights

Faculty and instructors have the right to:

  • Know that a request for accommodation is current and valid.
    • The Accessibility Services Coordinator (ASC) processes all requests and collects the appropriate information to validate that academic access services are warranted.
    • Accommodation letters from other institutions are not accepted as official accommodation letters.
  • Be informed enough about the student’s learning needs so they can work with them effectively.
    • The ASC will supply a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) to the students’ instructors when accommodations are approved.
    • The ASC will consult with instructors on an as-needed basis regarding student learning needs.
  • Contact the ASC to discuss alternatives to the requested accommodation if the accommodation impacts an essential element of the course.

Faculty Instructor Responsibilities

Faculty and instructor are responsible for:

  • Working with the Accessibility Services Coordinator (ASC) when an LOA is received.
    • The instructor will read and implement the academic accommodations stated in the LOA immediately upon receipt of the letter.
  •  Referring a student to the ASC if they approach the instructor directly with a verbal accommodation request, but do not present an official LOA.
    • Instructors are not to provide accommodations without an official accommodation letter.
    • Instructors are to send an email to the ASC with the student’s name and S number after they refer a student to the AS office.
  • Fostering a respectful and confidential classroom environment for students with disabilities.
    • Conversations regarding a student’s accommodation and learning needs are to be held in a private space.
    • Confidentiality is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Upholding the academic standards of the course competencies for all students.
    • Communicate directly and privately with the student about their course progress.
    • Grade the student with accommodations on an equal scale with other students.

Accessibility Services Contact

Frida Beyerl

Frida Beyerl

Accessibility Services Coordinator
(719) 384-6963
Learning Commons 118
Semester Hours:
M - Th: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
F - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

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